

Year Province Fatal Non-Fatal
Persons Killed Persons Injured No of Vehicles involved Persons Injured No of Vehicles involved
Jan-Dec 2018 Balochistan N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R
Year Total Number of Accidents Accident  Persons Total Number of Vehicles Involved
 Fatal  Non-Fatal  Killed  Injured
 2006-07  551 233 318 284 840 612
 2007-08  490 236 254 314 914 278
 2008-09  431  206  225 248 747 545
 2009-10  379 193 186 245 496 444
 2010-11 311 158 153 191 350 382
 2011-12 324 139 185 161 480 374
 2012-13 297 136 161 163 362 381
 2013-14 342 173 169 247 480 434
 2014-15  315  147  168 178 440 389
 2015-16 357 178 179 207 504 470
 2022 405 220 185 266 453 616
 2023 396 221 175 275 472 579