
The National Transport Research Center has been set up in the Planning Commission to undertake basic research and studies with the following aims and objectives:-

  • Determination of a “National Transport Policy” leading to the formulation of an integrated plan for the development of a well-coordinated transport system.
  • Coordination of efforts and expenditure in all provinces for the transport systems as a whole, including interalia,
  • Coordination/of planning for all modes of Transport to ensure consistency with overall transport Coordination policy.
  • Coordination of studies and research in economic forecasting and priority rating areas.
  • Providing a consulting service to help the provincial and modal planning agencies to evolve sound planning policy and methods of analysis and project appraisal within the context of the corporate planning of each agency.
  • Providing advice and guidance to the Government in taking policy decisions based on objective research and investigation.
  1. To achieve the above objectives, the Center will undertake numerous Studies for all modes of transport particularly including:
  • Economic Base studies.
  • Project planning studies.
  • Cost estimation studies for various modes of transport.
  • Demand estimation, measurement and forecasting studies.
  • Modal choice, traffic distribution/assignment and origin-destination studies.
  • Inventory and capacity studies.
  • Standard improvement studies.
  • Traffic accidents study.
  • Traffic speed studies.
  • Time cost studies.
  • Regulation, subsidy, taxation studies.
  • Urban transportation studies.
  • Vehicle utilization/performance studies.
  • Investment, pricing, operation and regulation studies.
  1. Most of the studies would be undertaken in collaboration with the provincial Government and agencies concerned. The Center would also set up a Data Bank to make readi9ly available statistical data required for vaious studies and other purposes.
  2. It is requested that the National Transport Research Center may be closely associated with studies being undertaken in the field of transport and preparation of proposals for major projects. A brief out line of such studies indicating objectives, scope and methodology, present status, agencies undertaking work etc., may be communicated.  It is also requested that the copies of the studies undertaken in the past on the above subject and basic statistical data concerning any aspect of transport compiled/issued by your organization may kindly be supplied for record and reference.
  3. In addition, specific problems in the field of transport and proposals for research studies, if any, may also kindly be sent to the Centre.

Mission Statement

To achieve self-sufficiency in the fields of Transport Planning, Road Engineering and Road Safety through indigenous R&D work. National Transport research center is effectively functioning as an R&D Wing of the Ministry of Communications.